Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas (with Nativities)

I hope you are having a wonderful time with family and loved ones! Christmastime just feels different than any other time of the year. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and share a few more nativities with you. I shared my nativity quilt here, and some of my nativity collection here and here and here.

Here are a few more that I think are especially wonderful. We found this one when we were traveling in Jordan (which is mostly non Christian), isn't it gorgeous?

This one we got in Jerusalem. I love the way Joseph is holding his cloak protectively over Mary and the baby Jesus.

This one has a music box that you wind up on the bottom, and it turns. We got it in a little shop when we were visiting in beautiful Amish country in Lancaster, PN.

If you want to get even more into the Christmas spirit you should go here and watch this short video!

Merry Christmas to you!

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