Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Horizon says E3 :(

I was innocently sewing along when all of a sudden my machine gave a long "beeeeeeep!" and stopped. Then the screen said "E3" and wouldn't sew.  I did all the things you do when your machine acts funny.

First I turned the machine off, waited a few minutes and then turned it on again. Still "beeeeep!" and E3.

I re-threaded top and bobbin threads.

I took out the bobbin and the bobbin case, got out my little vaccuum  and cleaned everything out really well.

I put a little drop of oil on the wick.

I flossed the tension disks.

Still every time I turned it on there was the "beeeep!" and E3 error message.

So I unplugged everything and went away and banged my head on the wall and ripped out all of my hair in frustration. Surely that would help, right? To distract myself I played a little Sudoku on my Ipad.   Hours later I went back in and timidly plugged it all back in and turned on my machine. "Beeeeep!" and E3

I called my dealer and took it in. I guess there is something called the "Step Motor" that is broken. I asked them if it was something I did wrong, and they said no, it just happens sometimes. They are trying to order the part for me and have it shipped overnight, but although I went in yesterday morning, they said they couldn't reach Janome all day yesterday (?!!).

I finished all the piecing yesterday on my trusty old Featherweight. I talked to my dealer this morning. The part is supposed to be shipped today. For some reason I can't fathom they decided to have it shipped 3-day shipping instead of overnight - GAAAA! I am getting on an airplane next week to fly to CT, and I need to take these two quilts with me!

If we all cross our fingers maybe it will get here sooner?  Please join me.


  1. Prayer, not crossed fingers, works best!

  2. Amen, Michelle!

    I hope it comes real quick. I'd say to come over and sew on mine. I'm not far, just one state away... (Washington)

    Hope your baby is fixed soon. :-(

  3. So sorry! Hope you are back up and running soon. And, my fingers are crossed. Good luck!


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