Monday, January 9, 2012

Hemming Jeans and other stuff

OK, it's back to work!  I have had company for the last month - it's been great!  I haven't spent much time in my sewing room except for a few small projects.  One of them was to hem some jeans for my son-in-law. I found a great tutorial online that is wonderful!

Cathe from "Just Something I Made" explains her method for hemming jeans, and it is so much easier than what I have been trying to do (the hard way) that never quite looked the same as the original.  Click here to go to her blog.  I used the blind stitch on my machine to turn up the fold, and it really is invisible.  Yay!

Now that my company is gone, and I think I am over the stomach flu (yuck), it is back to work.  I'm itching to get as much done as I possibly can, because after my resolution to finish my UFO's, I thought of several things that I am just dying to make.  I got an Ipad for Christmas, so of course I need to make a case for it - but I'm not letting myself until I get a few of these things done that are on my list!

I'm off to the sewing room to get busy, see you later this week with some finished projects!!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I too have made myself promises about not starting any new quilts until i have finished some, sorting my scraps - and - when I visit a blog, to make a comment even if I just say Hi and greetings from New Zealand. Thanks for the link about the jeans - and a happy new year to you.


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