Sunday, January 15, 2012

Free Motion Quilting Designs

This past week I got out my Valentine's Day quilt!
This is most of it...somehow the bottom got cut off.  Anyway, this is the quilt I wanted to put up last year, but I didn't actually finish it until March, so it has just been sitting there waiting to finally come out. Yay! It is out in the light of day!  I blogged about it here if  you want pattern info.

When I quilted it, I tried to put as many different FMQ designs in it as I could come up with.  When I looked at it yesterday I realized that I had forgotten that I knew how to do some of these - I forgot they even existed! I'm in a FMQ rut.  So, I have put together little pictures of all the different designs I used in this quilt, along with some from other quilts, and even a couple that I took pictures of with my phone when I was somewhere that had quilting that looked simple enough that I could do it.

Hopefully this will save me some time! Well, maybe I will still have moments of stupor (that is pretty much guaranteed!), but this will really help to shorten my stupors (is that a word?).  Here is a link to Free Motion Quilting Designs, my first pitiful attempt at posting a PDF file.  I sure am learning a lot!!  I know this will help me, and it would be great if it helps someone else, too!


  1. Thanks for the free motion quilting tips, I can always use more ideas!

  2. Love the Valentine's quilt!

  3. Love the quilt, and great job on the pdf document. I need to learn how to do that sometime!

  4. That quilt is bea-u-ti-ful! That will be so much fun to have out!


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