Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Easiest Baby Quilts!

You've heard of a "twofer", right?  Well, this is a "threefer"!  Quick, easy and economical - what more could you ask for!


This pattern is called the "Super-Sized Nine Patch", by Anita Grossman Solomon, and was designed to use 3 different yards of fabric to make three different quilts.  You can see that you just exchange the different fabrics for the different parts of the quilt.  What you can't see in this photo is the cute yellow polka-dot fabric I used!  You can click here to download the PDF file.  I decided to take this picture of just the tops in case one gets quilted and leaves before the others are done - you know how that happens :)

It was an easy pattern, quick to cut out and sew together.  Here are few things that might make it even faster for you--

* Buy a little more than a yard of each fabric, some fabric clerks are skimpy and you really need your whole yard!
* I wouldn't measure from the outside-in like she does, I ended up with different sized pieces and then had to trim them.  It would have been easier to measure from the inside corner toward the outside (you will know what I mean when you read the directions).
* See how there are 4 longer strips around the outsides?  If you always press your seams toward those strips you will be able to butt the seams together for nice corners.

We have a crop of boy babies coming to extended family members in the next few months, so now you know what they will be getting from me!


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