Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Gotta love those sales!

I am on an e-mail list for my LQS, and yesterday I got an e-mail that they are having a sale. Fat Quarters were on sale for $1.50!! So of course I went and stocked up - I think I got about 15. I was thinking that now I will have some to take to Quilt Guild when we do our activities, but there is a problem with that. I always buy fat quarters that I like, and it is hard for me to part with them!

There were also patterns on sale for CHEAP! Of course I bought about 6 of those. If I would just get to work with the patterns and fabric that I have, I could keep myself busy for a very long time, so why do I keep buying more and more? Now, I hear stories of old ladies that have 70 cats living with them and no one knew until the lady passed away... Maybe there will be stories in the newspaper about me with all of my fabric!

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