Wednesday, June 29, 2011

4th of July Quilt

This is "Old Glory".
This is another one of Ruth Ann's great quilts. Ruth Ann loves scrappy quilts, so this isn't like most of the ones she has. I love it especially at this time of year! I've started collecting red, white and blue fabrics, and have several patterns that I am trying to decide between. Maybe by next year I will have a 4th of July quilt to display. Until then, I am grateful that Ruth Ann lets me blog about her great quilts! There is no way I could make enough to post something very often on my blog!

This is what Ruth Ann says about this quilt. "I tried a more contemporary pattern for me. It is foundation pieced. I named it Old Glory because is reminds my of a flag waving in the wind. I did not bind this quilt until about 12 years after it was finished. It just sat in a box. My friend Stacie machine quilted it for me."

I am shocked and delighted that this sat in a box for 12 years! Wow! I feel so much better about my UFOs now!

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