Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Nautical Baby Boy Quilt

Another new baby in our midst, so I did what I love to do and made another quilt. I know it's such a simple pattern, but I don't have much time and I still want to make one! Thank goodness for a fabric store we found in Lithuania that has some quilt fabric! Not a lot, but some!

I decided to go nautical - because that was one of my choices of fabric and I thought it was cute.

I figure the baby really doesn't care and the parents are happy that someone made something for their baby. It's a win-win since I wanted to make a quilt!

Isn't this a cute little guy? He's adorable. I haven't seen him in person yet, but hopefully it won't be too long. He comes from a family of adorable humans, so this is no surprise!

Kind of hard to see my label, aargh! This is for little Hairams, the Latvian version of Hyrum.

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