Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Brother CS6000i

I have a new little brother! Well, actually, since I cracked the screen on my Bernina while taking it to sewing day I have been paranoid that I would somehow damage my machine again, so I bought a light weight little inexpensive machine so I can tote that around instead.
I bought it on Amazon for $150, which is less than I paid to repair my Bernina - and it does a lot more than I would have expected!

I called it a "back up" machine, and my husband asked me how many back up machines I need - well, my main machine is my Janome Horizon, backed up by my BabyLock Ellisimo, backed up by my Bernin 560, which is now backed up by my little Brother. I also have a feather weight, a serger and a treadle machine, but I don't think those count, right?

Do you think I might have an addiction problem? 

Well, back to my little Brother. It came today so I opened it up and tested it out to make sure it does everything it says it will do. The stitches look great, it was simple to wind a bobbin and thread the machine. It only weighs 13 lbs., which is about 10 lbs. less than my Bernina, and 20 lbs. less than my Janome...  I was afraid I would feel like I was sewing on a toy machine, but it didn't feel like that at all.

It came with several feet, even a walking foot! I think that is pretty handy.  I will only be sewing on this when I'm packing it around, so I probably won't be using most of the stitches and feet, but it's nice to know they are there if I decide I need them.  :)

It also has a hard cover, which is handy for packing it around. I think I'm going to like my new little Brother.


  1. This is my main machine that I use for quilting! (Well, it's my only machine!)

  2. Do you like it? It took me a few minutes to figure out how to move the needle so I could get a 1/4 seam allowance! :)


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