Monday, April 22, 2019

Bernina Cracked Screen :(

I know that sewing machines, especially computerized ones, and more especially touch screen ones are fragile. I really do! I am always very careful with my machines. Really. Careful.

I've been taking it to weekly sewing days with some of the ladies in my quilt guild.  One week as I watched several people bringing in their wheeled cases, I thought, "I should get one of those.".  I am very careful, honest! The next week I was bringing it out to my car, holding it by the handle, and I leaned it against my leg (to prevent it from bumping against my leg, see? Careful!), and I reached over to open the door and I heard a tiny "pop". It was such a little sound I figured I must have just moved over the speed button.  When I got to our sewing day and put up my machine I discovered that I had cracked the screen! It still turned on, and I figured I would just use it with a cracked screen.  I was sad, but oh well.  Then I tried to use the touch screen to change the stitch I wanted to use. With a cracked screen it seemed to not be able to tell where I was touching, and I couldn't adjust it! SADNESS!!

I called the Bernina store, and they gave me an estimate that to fix it would cost between $125 - $600  - YIKES! We took it in right away, they don't order the part until the machine is there, so I crossed my fingers. Two weeks later they called and told me it was fixed, and it cost $200. I am of course very relieved, and I think that was excellent strategy on their part. If I was worrying that it would cost $600, I was very happy to pay them just $200. How else could they have me feel happy to pay that?

And I did buy myself a rolling case to take it in! Isn't this cute? I saw it online and went and picked it up at JoAnn Fabrics.

It even holds all my stuff! That is a lot easier than bringing my machine by the handle and carrying a big bag with all the supplies I might need!

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