Saturday, December 1, 2018

Christmas Sewing Projects...

Oh dear - the last time I posted was Halloween? Where  does the time go? I have been sewing things - my daughter has been in some craft fairs, so I sent her a few things to flesh out her booth.

I sent her four "Un-paper Dolls" made out of felt. One side is her dresser and little kitty...

The other side is a bed that you can slide her into. All of them sold, I probably should have charged more. Oh well.

And some cute little bibs - I saw the free pattern online HERE. They are made from an old shirt and have a velcro closure.

I made a bunch of fabric gift bags, I like to use them because they can either be part of the gift, or they can just be used over and over instead of wrapping paper.

I guess I could have scooted some of my mess out of the picture. I guess I forgot!  :)

Then I made 5 tote bags with Christmas themed fabrics. As I was sewing all these I experimented with different construction methods so I could whip up them up quickly - or what is the point, really, if you are trying to sell stuff!? I don't worry about hurrying when I am making a gift, but to sell - crank those puppies out!

They aren't fully lined, but the top 5 inches are lined so they look pretty when you open them up. The rest of the inside is serged, so it looks nice and neat. The best part of all of these was that I used fabric that I already had!! Well, I did buy a couple squares of felt. All the other fabric, including the tote bag fabric were things I had just sitting there (from enthusiastic buying sprees :)   It feels so good to use that stuff up, and frees up some space in my fabric stash area, ha ha!

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