Saturday, February 24, 2018

I got the RED out!

You may remember from this post that as I was working on all the blocks to my dream quilt, I discovered that one of the fabrics I was using was bleeding. Such a tragic discovery! I had already put the fabric in several blocks.

I took the rest of the fabric (because I LOVED it) and soaked it in a salt and vinegar solution and tried all kinds of other tricks, but it just would not stop bleeding. So the only thing I could do was find some more fabric, take apart all the blocks I had made, and re-make them all with fabric that doesn't bleed.

That took so much work that by the time I was done I was pretty discouraged, so I put it all aside and worked on some other things.

I'm finally back working on the quilt again, but here are all my "new blocks" without the evil red dye bleeding fabric!

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