Thursday, April 6, 2017

Losing brain cells

Even though I sewed for over 20 years on sewing machines that were pretty basic, it's surprising how quickly I have forgotten how to do the most basic things.

I love my Bernina 560, but my other machines have a few more bells and whistles. I have broken more needles on this machine in the last 6 months than I have in all my previous years sewing. All because I have become accustomed to machines that are smarter than I am. I am used to my machine preventing me from using a zig-zag stitch with a foot for a straight stitch! So basic - and yet I seem to have lost the ability - and Bernina feet are so wonderfully easy to change! What is my problem?

Am I the only handicapped in this way?

This is what I look like every time I break another needle...

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