Wednesday, February 1, 2017

My first Crochet project!

I needed something to do, but I wouldn't be around my sewing machine. Hmmm. What to do? I also was missing home, where I knew they had waist-high snow, so I made some snowmen! Thanks to my daughter, Kristi, for making me a video to teach me how - and YouTube, I managed to make three of these babies. Lest you think that I purposely made 3 different sizes, let me assure you that they are all the same size, must be some optical illusion or something.

I suppose it could be that my stitches aren't all the same size. Oh well. Obviously I made them before Christmas, and took this picture, and forgot that I was going to post this...

Have a happy, even if snowy, day!

1 comment:

  1. Those are so cute! Can't believe they are your first crochet projects. Good job! Would love to send you snow and cold. I have been shivering all day. The temp is supposed to rise to 44, and we are to have rain. Scary. There have already been avalanches. Now we have to worry about more and maybe flooding. Hopefully, the warming trend will be short, or there will be a huge mess. Hope all is well.


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