Wednesday, January 4, 2017

You'll never believe this!

I have been able to do something I never imagined would be possible!

Let me tell you a little background. Our church group decided to be a Secret Santa for 3 families that live in Bethlehem.  I only heard about it about a week before they wanted everything ready to deliver, and I also heard that one of the families was expecting a baby, so I decided I would make a receiving blanket. I searched high and low for a fun print in flannel, and at my sixth stop I finally found some. Time was short, I didn't do anything fancy, but I did make a nice big, warm receiving blanket out of two pieces of heavy flannel.

I turned it in, and was recently told that they had their baby, a boy and they named him Jesus!

I made a blanket for a baby Jesus born in Bethlehem!!

I only wish I had known more in advance and made something nicer!


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