Sunday, October 2, 2016

A New Arrival

She's here!

Are you familiar with Fiddler on the Roof? Do you remember the scene where Tzeitel and Motel are expecting a new arrival, and it turns out to be a sewing machine?

That's what we have been joking about here! I've been expecting my machine for weeks, and things kept happening to put it off. Several times I had made the announcement that I was getting my new machine "tomorrow" but the day would come and go and there would be some kind of delay - but no more!

We moved here to Jerusalem and now live in a little apartment in the BYU Jerusalem Center. I joked that I was turning my kitchen into a sewing room since we are eating at the Oasis (the cafeteria where the students eat). But when I found out they were giving me an office, I decided my tiny apartment would be much easier to live in if I moved all sewing related things to my "office"!

Here is what it looked like the first time I saw it...

A little discouraging, a big mess, a catch all for items that no one knew what to do with. I just kept asking and asking (other wise known as nagging :) about the room. After this picture was taken they put in a new ceiling and new carpet. At first I was worried that my machine would come and I wouldn't have a place to put it -- ha ha, silly me! The room was ready and waiting long before my machine actually arrived.

I'm still refining it, but this is where I am working now - big smiley face!

Since my stash and sewing supplies are vastly reduced from what I own at home, this has plenty of space.

And of course, the top two shelves are WAY out of my reach anyway.

After weeks of itching to get behind my sewing machine, I am SEW happy to be stitching away! Of course, students keep bringing me things that need mending, but I don't even mind! I'm just so glad to have a machine!


  1. That's a nice little "office"! Enjoy your new machine!

  2. Awesome! Great room! Glad they gave you some space for that. Part of me is slightly jealous that you are just going to leave that machine behind!

    1. I already like it so much I will find a way to bring it home! :) It may have to sit in my lap...


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