This towel is an unusual color, don't you think? If you want a towel this color, buy a yellow towel and a blue towel, and wash them together. Ack, I really know better than that, but I was in a hurry. I used cold water and crossed my fingers, but obviously that didn't work. I thought about washing the T shirt with the blue towel, so they would match, but decided I couldn't guarantee the results. Oh well, my grandson didn't seem to notice!
In case you want to know, these adorable little creatures came from the Embroidery Library.
I didn't embroider a T shirt for Paige, her little shirts are so small I was afraid that if I shrunk the design to fit, it would not turn out well.
And here are two adorable boys who were happy to model their new shirts! I love it when children are this age and they love everything you make for them! I do know the day will come when that won't be the case, but I will enjoy it as long as I can :)
Have a happy day!
Super cute kids, towels, shirts.