Sunday, May 31, 2015

Empty Nest

My youngest graduated from high school on Friday. Sunday afternoon he left for a summer job at Zion's National Park. I'm an empty nester - I don't think I ever thought this day would come. I keep telling myself to look on the bright side. Here are the things I have come up with:
1. I will have more time to quilt.
2. The house will stay cleaner (or I have to admit how much of the mess was mine all along...).
3. The grocery bill will be less.
OK, I guess that's all I can come up with. I'm not going to think about how quiet it might get, or that I won't have an extra set of muscles or legs to do jobs and errands for me, or hug me - oh dear. Stop now!

1 comment:

  1. Hugs mom, it's all part of growing up. Congrats on graduating! You should be very proud of your baby!


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