Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fall Pillow

Isn't this beautiful applique? Before you think I'm bragging about myself, let me assure you that I'm bragging about someone else. Who would it be, but my amazing quilting friend? About a year ago she gave me this block, I think she said she thought it would look nice with my brown couches. So I hung it up in my quilting room and have stared at it many times, wondering how in the world to quilt it and not ruin the look of her perfect applique work. I finally decided NOT to ruin it (whew!) and make it into a pillow for the couch.
I put a border fabric around it to make it big enough for my pillow form. I found a fall piece in that tote of fabric my son found at a garage sale for $5 (thanks, son!). It has just the right colors in it. Then I picked a dark brown for the back, it will just blend right in with my couch and not distract from this pretty fall pillow!
I made the "envelope" style of pillowcover, over lapping two pieces that are doubled and sewing all the way around the edges.
I made it 1/2 " bigger than the pillow form - but my son, who works in an upholstery shop, informed me that they make pillow covers smaller than the pillow forms so that they are nice and plump and you have to fight to get the pillows in there! Who knew? Too bad he didn't say that BEFORE I finished this.

Oh well, at least I didn't have to fight to get the pillow in!


  1. It's perfect for Autumn! Pretty!!!

  2. I love it! I had no idea how easy it was to make an envelope pillow cover! At least, it sounded easy enough, I haven't tried it it yet!


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