Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Zig Zag Quilt - the beginning

Time to try something new! I am making my first queen sized quilt. It seems huge - will it really fit in my 8900 so I can quilt it? We'll see. Also, I have never sewn with batiks before, so I decided it was about time to do that!

Can anyone explain why cats do this as soon as you try to lay out the pieces for a quilt? It's like he thinks I'm doing this all for him!

I finally got it all arranged in fake randomness, so no fabric is touching another piece with the same fabric. (I have experimented, and in true randomness there ARE same fabrics touching each other sometimes!)
Then the meticulous process of labeling all the rows. I try to be careful, but somehow when it is all sewn together I will see two same fabrics touching, I know it!

All those rows have been reduced to this. Now to the sewing machine and try not to mix things up!!

Wish me luck.


  1. Jeana, this is going to be beautiful! I love it. What size strips did you cut? I'm trying to sort out the sizing.

    Cats crack me up. Fiona does this too. Yes, I think they DO think we've laid it out for them. LOLOL


  2. Lovely blog thanks for taking the time to share this


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