Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I heart my new quilt!

I finished before Valentine's Day!
OK, I know, bad picture, but I took it with my phone.

It was a kit I bought from Connecting Threads called Spinning Stars. Weird thing about it though - the instructions have you make 8 extra blocks!! Sew, of course I will have to make something to go along with this quilt.

Look how I quilted it, funny thing is I can't draw a heart with a pencil to save my life! Give me a sewing machine and I can quilt a bunch of them, go figure!

Just in case you were wondering where the red polka-dots were, they're here on the back. You knew they had to be here somewhere, didn't you?


  1. Adorable Valentine quilt! I love the heart quilting...I can not free motion to save my life but I wish I could.


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