Friday, January 18, 2013

New Fabric!

Don't you just love it when you order fabric on line, and then you get busy with other things - and when it shows up it's like a surprise?! Look what came in the mail today!

Mmmm, yummy fabrics for the next quilt class project,

Fabric and a pattern for a Valentine's project - that will probably not be ready for THIS Valentine's Day...

And a "Classic Dot Stack", (I have this addiction to polka-dots).

I am almost done putting the binding on my current project, and have a couple of things waiting in the wings, but now I am even more motivated to finish those so I can start cutting into these!

Have a wonderful weekend! I'll be busy!!


  1. I just got a package, too! I love this kind of mail!!!!!

    I can't wait to see you make magic with those fabrics!


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