Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A New Man

There has been a lot going on in our family lately... My hubby turned 50 earlier this year, and he says he thinks his warranty is up. He had to get progressive lenses in May, and this past weekend we discovered he needed a pacemaker. They put it in on he is better than ever!


  1. Hope the pacemaker does it's thing.

    I turned fifty last week. With the chill in the air, I'm feeling every day of it today... Sigh.

  2. So glad he feels better. You do know after 40 it's just patch, patch, patch, right? It started with me at 38. ;(

  3. Do hope your husband is feeling much better.

  4. Just found your blog. How lame is it that I didn't even know that my aunt had a quilting blog?!
    BTW, I love the quilt you made for Emmie. I use it all the time for her tummy time on the floor. And I've washed it after a spit up incident, so know it has that "quilty" look.
    So glad that Roy is doing better. As a former cardiac nurse, just make sure he goes to all his pacemaker checks and cardiology check-ups.
    My boys are this picture of Roy and immediately asked if he was the real Iron Man!
    Love you guys!

  5. Hope your husband is doing well. Blessings.


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