Thursday, June 28, 2012

Easy grid quilting

OK, OK, I know I'm getting distracted from what I really should be doing, but I was cutting out all the blocks for a sailboat quilt that just happens to be red, white and blue and that silly 4th of July bug just wouldn't leave me alone! After I cut all the pieces for my blocks I took the scraps that were left over and made a table runner for my entry way table!

I had all these scraps that were 3 1/2 inches wide. I grabbed them and cut them into random lengths and sewed them together. I had enough for 3 strips that were about 26 inches long (because that happens to be the length of the insert for my sewing machine...). Then I used some fabric from my stash for the sashing.

Ta Da! Perfect for my table! I did grid quilting on it, and used a way that was so easy!

Do you ever use this tool that came with your sewing machine? The manual for my Janome Horizon says it is a "Quilting Guide". I didn't know it's name but I knew what it was for!

I took my water soluble blue pen and my ruler and drew a line at a 45 degree angle. Then I just sewed on the line. Next I stuck in my little tool. I adjusted it to 1.5" over and set that little tool right on the line I had just stitched. Make sure to watch the tool as you sew, not your needle! Just move over for each line. Easy as can be!

Then I chose something to put on the back that matches a quilt hanging over my banister most of the time! I can just turn it over and keep using it.

It turned out to be perfect for my 4th of July decorations! Ahh. Do you think I may have beaten the bug that keeps getting me distracted?


  1. Sometimes distracted is good! And it's another "free" decoration! Great job!

  2. I always wondered what that thing was!

  3. I hope I didn't throw that away because I didn't know what it was! I'm going to dig in my sewing stuff right now.

  4. Your litte table mat looks great. The sashing is perfect!

  5. That's very nice, and it looks perfect on the table with your flags.


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