Thursday, April 5, 2012


I'm it. Michelle over at Life With Lou has tagged me in a game going around in bloggyland! I'm supposed to answer these questions, and then pass it on, so watch out!

1. Musicals or plays? And what are your favorites?
I live near a university, and we love to go to the plays they have on campus, and every Summer we travel up to West Yellowstone and go to a play there.  This Summer we will be going to "The Drowsy Chaperon", I have seen it before, it is hilarious!!

2. Do you have any "hidden" talents that have not made it into your blog?
Well, I love to sing, and I can't imagine that I will be able to work that into my blog!

3. Are you a reader? If so, what are you reading right now?
I love to read, but lately I have been into listening to audio books so I can sew while I'm "reading".  I love mysteries, right now I am working my way through the Hannah Swensen series by Joanne Fluke.

4. What is your favorite time of day?
My favorite time of day - well I know it's not when the alarm clock goes off!! I am always wishing I could sleep just a little longer.  I guess my favorite time is evening when family is home and we spend time together.

5. Do you save the selvages from fabric? Have you ever made anything with them?
No, I do not save the selvages, and have never made anything from them .  I do think those things are cute, but I can't see myself doing that.

6. What is your favorite quilt you've ever made?
Ooh, my favorite quilt?  How to choose??  I love them ALL. If I have to choose I will say my Nativity Quilt, but I love my Halloween Quilt and my Valentine's Quilt.....

7. What color comes up most often in your quilts? 
RED!  And lots of polka dots!

8. Do you play music while you sew? What songs get you motivated?
Sometimes I do listen to music, toe tappin' stuff that makes me dance in my chair (please don't tell anyone, I don't want anyone trying to imagine that...)!

9. What's the worst injury you've ever suffered? 
I'm happy to say I haven't had any bad injuries, the worst I can think of is a sprained ankle. My guardian angel is doing a great job!!

10. Do you come from a large family or a small family?
Large - I have 2 sisters and 4 brothers!

11. Have you always lived in your current hometown? If not, how far away do you live from the town where you were born?
I've come a long way from home, I was born in Mattoon, Illinois, moved all around the Mid-West and now I live in Idaho!

This is who I have tagged, I hope they play along!

Jen at Quilted Daughter      
Kate at By the Babbling Brooke    
Cath at  Bit's n Bobs
Wendy at Calculating Quilter  


  1. Jeanna, thank you for tagging me in the game...It was alot of fun. I have tagged others and looking forward to reading their responses.

  2. You tagged me?!?!? Can't wait! Loved your answers!


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