Friday, March 16, 2012

I confess!

No matter how hard I try to catch up on all my UFOs I always have a stack of them!
You know how they say "confession is good for the soul" (who are they?)  - anyway, I thought maybe confession would be a really good motivator for me to GOOD GRIEF, FINISH THESE UP ALREADY! Will it work - well, you never know...  Then after I took this picture I remembered I forgot to get THIS out, and I have a couple of baby quilts with the tops done, but not yet quilted, and a few other things, but this is most of them, and these are the ones that are all current(ish).  So go ahead, do something daring like write me a comment of encouragement!


  1. Just who doesn't have a pile like this, I'd like to know? Keep at it!

  2. I wish I had this few UFOs! Go for it - I look forward to seeing these completed...

  3. I just confessed on my blog recently that I have 13 1/2 tops waiting to be quilted. Oh my goodness, how did that happen? :) Now don't you feel better? blessings, marlene

  4. I didn't even know you had started the sampler. It looks good. I always remind myself that I like to work on if they were all finished, what would I do? Ruth Ann

  5. I found your blog on "sew many ways" link up and have to say I love it. I am looking forward to visiting again.
    Bits 'n Bobs

  6. You are not alone. I don't even want to know how many UFO's I have. That's kind of encouraging, isn't it? :-)

  7. Good luck...hope you are able to get some items off your UFO list soon. Just keep enjoying what you're doing. I came over from FAFF and just looked through some of your previous posts. Nice work!! And I love your blog name, very clever!

  8. Sew....what's worse? Having several UFO's sewn, but not quilted, or having only a few UFO's and NOT sewing? Let me, do you feel better? I guess I'd rather buy and work on machines!

  9. If you have UFOs you'll never be short of something to do!


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