Friday, December 23, 2011

More Nativities

Just wanted to show a few more Nativities since we are getting so close to Christmas...

I love this one - it is made from pine cones!  It is so beautiful, I hope you can see it better if you click on it.  This is one of my favorites!

This is an elegant looking one, all silver and gold tones.  It has a place of honor in my entry way on an antique table that belonged to my grandparents.  This is also one of my favorites.
And...this is my very favorite (maybe they are all my favorites!). This is cared from olive wood, and we bought it when we had the opportunity to live in Jerusalem.  This was carved in Bethlehem.  It is a beautiful set with 18 pieces.   I guess you could say I love all Nativities - I never met one I didn't like!    

Merry Christmas!


  1. Jeanna, These are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas to you too!

  2. Beautiful nativities. I love the first ones the best! Have a wonderful Christmas!!!


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