Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Curses! Foiled again!

You know how I was going to start quilting my Nativity Quilt top? Aargh. I bought the fabric for the back so long ago that I forgot what it was for and I used it for something else! I hate when that happens - does anyone besides me do this? Luckily, my LQS has a 50% off coupon for Friday, guess what I will be getting?

I had to find something crafty to do, of course, so look at these! We are trying to spend less and put more thought and time into our gifts for Christmas this year.  It is so hard to think of things for guys! I found some great patterns online, and I decided I would start by making all the males in the family a wallet.

Of  course there is the classic duct tape wallet.  As I looked around I started finding wallets made of all kinds of materials!

This wallet is made from clear contact paper and Monopoly money! Here is where I got the instructions for this. Pretty cool!

Then I found this pattern - believe it or not, this see-through wallet is made from the circuit board of a computer keyboard!  Here is the pattern for this one. I just went to the local second hand store and bought a couple of old keyboards (and thought of all the old ones I have dropped off there...). My family is just geeky enough that they will think this is funny!

After I had made several wallets, I had fine tuned the size I liked. I could now make up my own. One member of the family is into Harry Potter, so I printed off an image from google and with some clear contact paper I made a Harry Potter wallet!

Then I got daring (for me), and I used a party sized bag of M&M's! Now before I throw something away I realize I'm wondering if I can make a wallet out of it!

See all my wallets?

Then I went ahead and made some of these, if you want to make some, just google "snowman candy bar".  It is made from a Hershey's chocolate bar, a baby sock, eyes, buttons, ribbon...pretty simple. So that was my "foiled" day.  I wish all of my "foiled" days were this productive!


  1. Super cute! I love those a lot! Snow men and wallets are both adorable!

  2. Would you be wiling to make another Monopoly money wallet?


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