Monday, July 25, 2011

This week...

We have spent the last 3 days driving and driving and driving... We left on Friday about noon (from Idaho) and are now in Cleveland, Ohio. Whew! 8 to 10 hours of driving per day (in a mini-van with 7 people!), and staying at hotels at night. Last night we arrived at our hotel at 10 PM to find that they had checked someone else into the rooms we had already paid for!!! I guess they had a "similar" name as my husband?? They scrambled around and got us two rooms, but they weren't next to each other. Oh well. We are off today to see Niagara Falls, and then will be spending tonight in Palmyra, NY! I am hoping to have a chance to see some quilting stores while we are here in the East, and we will be spending some time in Amish country, and I'm planning to drool over some amazing quilts! If I can I will take pictures and share about them. Have a wonderful week!!

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