Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ugliest quilt?

I think I may have made the ugliest quilt ever! I wanted to make a baby quilt for a friend who is expecting. I happened to be in JoAnns, and the fabric was on sale, so even though I didn't have a quilt design in mind yet I tried to just pick out some baby girl types of fabric, figuring that I would make up a quilt later.

You know how sometimes you will see some fabrics that you would never have put together, but they look good? It can happen the other way, too! I picked a floral print that had some pretty flowers in it, and tried to find all fabrics that would coordinate with it. After I had the quilt top all sewn together, this one square just screamed ugly, and it ruined the whole quilt top! It had the same colors in the print, but the background wasn't white like the others, it was kind of a creamy color, and when it was put with all the others it looked dirty and old. Like I had taken all that time to make a quilt but had put in one kind of fabric that was --well, old and dirty!

I was so disappointed, I wanted it to be cute! And I didn't want to have to do a bunch of picking out the seams, but it was so awful I knew I couldn't just leave it like that. I finally cut some extra squares from the sashing fabric and appliqued the new squares over the old squares. I know that sounds odd, and it is, but it is such a huge improvement! Now I am at work doing some FMQ on it, I'll make sure to put in a picture as soon as I get done, now that it isn't so embarrassing. It still isn't the cutest quilt, but I can live with it!

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