Friday, July 23, 2010

Slow and steady wins the race!

Here it is already the 23rd of July! Doreen and I are still going on with our weight challenge, I'm doing OK, but the pitiful part is that the most I have lost in one week was 1.4 lbs. I just keep telling myself that I've heard that is how you keep it off, you lose slowly. I'm counting on that! I'm down to 1.2

Matt is having a wonderful experience in the MTC. Today is graduation from BYU-Idaho, and Nicki and Tyler are both graduating, wow. Then next Thursday they are moving. It's hard for me to even think about it! Tyler will be going to Dental School in Connecticut - and that is so far away. I am going to miss Nicki so much, and it's even worse because we will be so far away from her baby. I will be going out there for the birth, in October, and I know it is going to be really hard to leave.

Last March I had all six kids living at home, plus a son-in-law. Then Nathan got married and moved out. Matt left on his mission. Nicki and Tyler are leaving for CN, and Kristi will be moving into the Dorms in a few week. I will be down to 2 children - that is such a big change! I hope I can adjust with out too much sentimental blubbering!

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